The existence of the Permonians, connected mainly with the mining regions of Slovakia, has been shrouded in many stories and rumours. The book Medená krajina tells an engaging story about the history and glory of the mining village of Špania Dolina, about the Spanish Valley treasure and how a forest elf became a permonian. The book has a fairy-tale - educational character, which attracts not only children, but also adults.

The baptism of the book Copper Land took place on February 3, 2023 "traditionally" in the premises of the Historical School of Jozef Mistrík in Španá Dolina. The book was brought to life by the acting legend Božidara Turzonovová with the participation of invited guests. On the occasion of the christening of the book, the participants also commemorated the 102nd anniversary of the birth of prof. Jozef Mistrík. The christening of the book was sung by the weather "like from a fairy tale"... The copper landscape was covered by a soft white blanket of snow, which completed the overall atmosphere of this exceptional day.

Video source: Historická škola prof. Jozefa Mistríka

The idea of writing and illustrating an oil exploration book about the mining history of the village of Špania Dolina originated with the author Katarína Lucinkiewicz at the Professor Jozef Mistrík School of History, of which she is the director. The Historical School of Professor Jozef Mistrík is located in the Lavondória building, right on Špania Dolina square and is historically connected with mining in this picturesque village. The mission of the Historical School of prof. Jozef Mistrík's goal is to reveal the ancient secrets of Špania Dolina to all who want to learn more. The secrets of Špania Dolina are also revealed by the story of the book Copper Land, in which the forest elf Špančo, on his adventurous journey of knowledge and transformation into a permonian, along with the wise rat Pišta, uncover many miracles: miners entering the shafts with a bird in a cage and watching rats fleeing, copper cakes , cementing water, buttoned lace, Historical school of prof. Jozef Mistrík, the Copper Museum, Borbora Route, stones, symbolising friendship and, after doing good deeds throughout the year, the transformation of a leprechaun into a witch with magical powers.

Photo source: Banícka krčma Špania Dolina

Excerpt from the book Copper Land: "Once upon a time there was a land. It was not just an ordinary land. It was a land of copper. Hundred-year-old linden trees, high-mountain firs, and spruces grew there. In the forest of grass and green moss, the caps of red toadstools peeked out, as well as other fragrant forest mushrooms. The dense forest smelt pungently of pine needles, damp earth, and moss. In autumn, the wind played with the colourful leaves, lit by the warm mid-summer sun. Sometimes the sky clouded over and heavy raindrops fell on the dry ground, creating large puddles in an instant. Mischievous sparrows used to bathe in them.In winter, gigantic snow-white flakes floated in the sky, and a strong, bitterly cold wind blew...

High in the mountains, in the dark forests, there was a small settlement hidden. There were houses made of stone and wood that squatted on the steep slopes of the valley. The miners lived in them with their families."