An international conference dedicated to the Mining Cultural Heritage of Central Slovakia was held in the city of Banská Bystrica on April 25, 2024, as part of the international research project INCULTUM.

The goal of the conference was to present the mining heritage of central Slovakia, with a focus on the Barbora route, to exchange knowledge and experience from the development of mining cultural routes in Europe with members of Mines B. – European Mining Routes of Santa Barbara Federation and beyond, and to strengthen the creation of networks between various interested parties to support the use of the participatory platform Mining Treasures. A total of four main speakers presented at the conference, who, in addition to introducing the INCULTUM project and the pilot project Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia, also discussed the possibilities of using participatory methods and models in cultural tourism, as well as the opportunities of utilizing cultural tourist routes in the development of territories. Subsequently, a panel discussion was held with members of Mines B., which brought forth a wealth of interesting information and ideas related to the existence and development of mining cultural routes across Europe. The event also featured the official opening of a traveling exhibition dedicated to women and men in mining, which is open to the public in the Cikker Hall of the Town Hall building until May 14, 2024. After the official part of the conference at the Town Hall, the participants moved to the premises of Matej's House, where they were introduced to the rich mining history of the central Slovakia region in the Thurzo – Fugger Interactive Exhibition. The conference day concluded with an official dinner attended by representatives of Matej Bel University, members of CA Banský region - Terra Montanae, and members of Mines B. at one of the oldest restaurants in Banská Bystrica.

The conference was a significant event, not only in terms of advancing the Barbora route project and the development of Central Slovakia's territory but also as the launching pad for the international research project Horizon Europe - SECreTour, in which is Matej Bel University involved.

The conference takes place under the Horizon Europe project Incultum (Visiting The Margins. INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European Peripheries) in close collaboration with the City of Banská Bystrica, Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region, Banský región - Terra Montanae Civic Association, Regional Office of Tourism in Banská Bystrica.


Foto source: Kamila Borseková

Foto source: Darina Rojíková

Foto source: Kamila Borseková

Foto source: Darina Rojíková

Foto source: Darina Rojíková

Foto source: Darina Rojíková

Foto source: Darina Rojíková

Foto source: Mesto Banská Bystrica

Foto source: Michal Styk