Berggericht – mineralogical exposition presents more than 400 different types of minerals from locations all over the world. The emphasis is mainly on minerals from Slovakia.
Minerals are arranged in the currently valid taxonomic system, the criteria for dividing minerals into the respective classes are their chemical composition and internal structure. The rarities of the exhibition include, for example, a sample of hessite from the Botes site in Romania, stephanit and polybasit from Hodruša, and pharmacosiderit from Nová Baňa. The exposition can also boast of very nice examples of minerals, which have been described in Slovakia for the first time in the world. For example, they are: hodrusit from Hodruša, euchroit, libethenit and mrázekit from Ľubietová, hauerit from Vígľašská Huta, tetradymit from Župkov and vashegyit from Železník.
In the courtyard of the building opens the Michal adit, which was adapted to cellar spaces. This is a trench for the underlying branch of the Špitáler vein, feeding into the last passage along the vein, which, however, is no longer accessible to visitors. The connection with another short corridor opening onto the surface creates a space with a horseshoe shape in plan. The visitor can familiarise himself with the rock environment, typical methods of reinforcement used in mining and mining carts - "huntík".